Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008

The new concept of gasless laparoscopy

To find out more about the new concept of gasless laparoscopy, also known as Lift-Laparoscopy, and its advantages, visit following websites:

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2007

Bladder and pelvic floor problems

One in four women in Europe know the problem of uncontrolled loss of urine under stress i.e. coughing or standing up, feeling always damp, having emptying problems or a dragging feeling in the vagina, getting up at night to pass urine, faecal soiling and pain (lower abdomen, coccyx) on deep penetration during intercourse. No one wants to speak about it, neither with their partner nor with their doctor. It is a taboo.

We (EndoGyn) want to break this silence. It is our aim to help woman with these problems to enjoy a better and untroubled life by using new medical procedures.

We use new procedures which were developed by Prof. Dr. P. Petros in the Royal Perth Hospital, Australia ( and further developed by Prof. Dr. K. Goeschen in Germany.

For more informations please visit following site: or

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007

Urine incontinence

Urine incontinence